Saturday, July 15, 2006

sewing in church

Catherine gave a great list of places she has done handwork and wondered about sewing in church.
While traveling in Germany, I saw many women knit in church.

I have had several deadlines, often with church related sewing that had me sitting in the balcony and sewing during the sermon. The last time was a stole for an ordination that was taking place after the service--I had two friends sewing with me!
There are several women who crochet during the service, and quite a few of us who knit in the sanctuary while the choir and organist rehearse before the service--or in the quiet before anything starts.
So, if you want to do handwork in church, you are welcome to join me in the balcony at St Pauls!


Lily Mulholland said...

Lynn that's a great idea - and you were sewing something appropriate for church too!

Catherine said...

Maybe I need to change to a different church!!

Susan in N. GA said...

Love this post. Knitting and sewing are great times for prayer.
Susan in N. GA.